2 minutes

Geschreven door: Anne-Jet

Amsterdam UX Workshop

On june the 3rd Us Media was the host (location, beer and pizza) for the Amsterdam UX workshop.

  • meetup
  • design
  • ux
  • agile

Amsterdam UX organized a workshop with the topic “User checks and agile usability testing” at Us Media. Anouskha Scholten was leading the workshop.

“user checks is an agile way of usability testing with the focus on creating value”

With User checks the design accelerates to a higher level within a short period and relatively low cost and little resources. User checks maximize the key element of usability testing: getting to empathy.

This workshop was for all levels of UX and Interaction design practitioners. The participants will get to know what User checks are in comparison to other ways of usability testing and practice different aspects of conducting User checks.


Anouschka Scholten is a Senior Interaction Designer and UX Consultant creating valuable interactions between people and devices. Anouschka has 15+ years experience in the UX field and worked with such clients as De Hypotheker, Gemeente Den Haag, KPN, Springer media, Elsevier, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, ABN AMRO, Vodafone and others. Currently she is working for Innoleaps as a mentor for startup accelerator teams and UX designer for Philips.


18:30Welcome: pizza & drinks
19:00Introduction Us Media by Martijn van Meel
19:10Workshop: “User checks and agile usability testing”
21:00Drinks & networking

Due to the late arrival of the pizza’s we had to attend the workshop with a pen in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other. But that didn’t bother; everybody as enthusiastically taking part of the workshop and some even participated in some role playing in front of all of us and the beer was cold so… yes it was a success.


contact us for a chat and discuss if we are the right partner for you.