2 minutes

Geschreven door: Joel

spang campus joins maker movement

Together with Waag Society from Amsterdam we are trying to move a Fab Lab to Suriname

  • campus
  • mvo

As you know we are actively involved in Spang Makandra and its ambitious successor Spang Campus. Spang Campus aims to be and inspirational place for young and creative ambitious people. Together with Waag Society from Amsterdam we are trying to move a Fab Lab to Suriname

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“Imagination is more important than knowledge“, famous genius Albert Einstein once was quoted. More than ever, his words are true. In his time, Einstein probably couldn’t have dreamt of a machine that could turn almost every thinkable design into reality; nowadays we are close to having this machine in our hands, at the Fab Lab on Spang Campus.

A Fab Lab (fabrication laboratory) is a fully kitted fabrication workshop with a capability to turn ideas and concepts into reality. The video below gives an impression of the sheer endless possibilities, made possible with an array of computer controlled tools that cover several different length scales and various materials.

It’s definitely more than a machine, it’s part of a revolutionary movement, as famous professor Jeremy Rifkin noted earlier: as significant as the shift from agriculture to the early industrial era. While fab labs have yet to compete with mass production and its associated economies of scale in fabricating widely distributed products, they have already shown the potential to empower individuals to create smart devices for themselves. These devices can be tailored to local or personal needs in ways that are not practical or economical using mass production.

The possibilities are endless and only “restrained by your own creativity” and persistence. Whether you are a young entrepeneur who wants to create a proof of concept for a new product or a multi national that wants to do rapid prototyping or a young architect that wants to build a house. More inspiration can be found on these websites:, and

Hungry for more information? Check these sites:


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