Helping children with heart defects with a powerful platform based on NGO suite


Stichting Hartekind (SH) finances vital research for the benefit of ‘Hartekinderen’; children with a heart defect. SH provides information and organizes/supports events and initiatives to make more research possible.


SH asked us. to completely renew the foundation’s central platform so that the site contributes more strongly to achieving the ambitions and is equipped for an upcoming major awareness campaign.


us. designed and built an integrated, standardized, scalable and secure solution for the website, the CMS, external links with CRM, payment provider and e-mail tooling, among others. The schedule was tight, and as partners we had to do everything we could to meet the hard deadline: the day on which the new SH ambassador Nienke Plas (herself the mother of a heart child) was introduced.

Overview website Stichting Hartekind

NGO suite

The new website runs on the basis of our proven NGO suite, whereby content managers are given the tools to independently set up, fill and later expand the website. SH can also easily create and handle forms itself. In addition to flexible donation forms, this also concerns flexible forms for event registrations.



Stichting Hartekind’s ‘cloud native’ platform runs entirely on the Google Cloud Platform. This platform allows us to focus on the application (and not the infrastructure). The cloud native solution ensures stability, speed (operational and development) and scalability.


Thanks to imgix’s real-time image processing, all images are always optimally displayed for all devices, in terms of compression and size. In addition, imgix automatically provides the correct crops with the help of smart facial recognition algorithms/


The basis for the CMS is WordPress. On top of that: customization to make wordpress suitable to run serverless in the GCP cloud. Images are served from the imgix CDN.

A strong partnership from day one

“For us, the website as a hub is indispensable for recruiting donors, but also for reaching people with the right information about heart defects in children. Because we were about to launch our new ambassador, we were in a huge pressure cooker with this website project. The way us. dealt with that, constantly looking ahead and thinking along with us, has been rock solid. From day one, our relationship felt like a strong partnership. We had a common goal in mind and us. was constantly involved so that we could eliminate most of the issues we encountered along the way. I know that such great involvement and dedication is not self-evident and I am incredibly grateful to them for that!”

Zenka Reijn-Slegt Director/board member Hartekind

Visit the website.


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